Roundtable 09: Hurt People Hurt People with R.J. Aguiar (TheNotAdam)

We discuss R.J’s YouTube Channel and many other things. Including his video on “How To Comment” . Other topics we cover include sexual orientation and gender identity policing, trolls (professional and non professional), social responsibility, on-line verbal abuse and much more.

ACE: M’s Story

We talk with M about what being a bi-curious romantic grey/demisexual means for them. Part of Asexual Awareness week.

ACE: L’s Story

We continue with our coverage of ACE Awareness Week by bringing you a chat with a member of the ACE community-L

Interview: The Quist LGBTQ History App with Sarah Prager

We talk about why our LGBTQ history matters and why the Quist history app is so important in bringing historical information to those who may not be able to get access to it via conventional means at this time. With the creator of the Quist app Sarah Prager and Quist intern Aud Traher.