Pride Weekend!!

This it! The weekend so many places are throwing their pride events. Let’s be a BI presence! Let’s honor Brenda Howard today on the anniversary of Stonewall. We are here and we are BI! Get used to it.

Books BI Us: Interview with Debra Kolodny

We interview Rabbi Debra Kolodny, author of Blessed Bi Spirit: Bisexual People of Faith  and contributor to the new book Bisexuality: Making the Invisible Visible in Faith Communities.

Topic for July: “BI US” The use of social media in activism, education and support

July’s Tentative topic: BI US: Using Social Media to reach the community and educate everyone. The importance of individual activism. Our “Spotlight Activist” joining us is Harrie Farrow. Harrie is an author and brave crusader manning the front lines on twitter. Hosts: John, Will, Michael, Lynnette Recurring Host(s): Ruth Hares Guest Host:? Spotlight: Harrie Farrow

Meet The Crew: Walter Beck

∗this biography is in interview form∗ Lynnette: So let’s start with the basics. We know your name, duh. How are old are you and where did you grow up? Walter: I’m twenty-seven and I grew up in central Indiana, what used to be small towns and cornfields before the strip malls and housing divisions moved … [Read more…]