Transcript: Interview with Dr. Mimi Hoang, PhD
Lynnette: Welcome to the BiCast, a podcast for the bisexual community. We are speaking with Dr. Mimi Hoang, PhD, a licensed clinical psychologist and noted activist in the bisexual community. Welcome. John: Welcome. Mimi: Thanks you so much. Thanks for having me. Lynnette: Oh, my pleasure, believe me. So can you tell us about your … [Read more…]
Bi History 101: Bi Visibility Day with Sarah Stumpf
Bi Visibility Day History with Sarah Stumpf. We had planned for this to be inserted in our Round table discussion on #BiWeek but scheduling and time constraints did not allow it. Our Bi Historian Eileen Leary was running close on time due to travel plan issues and Sarah Stumpf quickly stepped up to the plate … [Read more…]
Random Lights
Beautiful work. Many of them you know. LARKER Issue 2: Random Lights Flaring in Our Chests A Bisexual study featuring: Kathy Acker, Faith Cheltenham, Vinayak Das, Marlene Deitreich, Isadora Duncan, Harrie Farrow, Fer Filol, Dani K O Flux, Robert Giard, Hannah Hoch, Imani the Misfit, Lani Ka’ahumanu, Razi Marysol Machay, Patrick RichardsFink, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, … [Read more…]