“No More” by Travis Kilgore

“””Part of me is actually glad that the Domestic Partnership ordinance was shot down today. I know many of you will find that odd coming from me, but it’s true. I have seen brave people standing boldly in the face of ignorance and oppression, staring down hardships, slander, and even threats without once batting an … [Read more…]

Topic for July: “BI US” The use of social media in activism, education and support

July’s Tentative topic: BI US: Using Social Media to reach the community and educate everyone. The importance of individual activism. Our “Spotlight Activist” joining us is Harrie Farrow. Harrie is an author and brave crusader manning the front lines on twitter. Hosts: John, Will, Michael, Lynnette Recurring Host(s): Ruth Hares Guest Host:? Spotlight: Harrie Farrow

How to Help The BiCast

First, you can click The BiCast startup fund link. Anything you can give will help us buy the equipment, software, and services to take our podcast to the next level. So if you like what we’re doing to promote bisexual issues, please consider a contribution. You can also browse The Bisexual Library. We continue to … [Read more…]