A Piece of Cloth

A Piece of Cloth (by Walter Beck) It started as a lark, a bet, A half-assed dare, Another chance to bend the rules And freak some normies out. It became another part of my stage attire, Another prop for my live art, Nothing new certainly, But something new for me. When I took it beyond … [Read more…]

No Language

Thank you Lottie at The Biscuit for publishing this. I just want to add it is not safe for everyone to come out. But we CAN learn to accept and love ourselves. To learn about ourselves. And then be able to pass that on to our loved ones. “Dad, I forgive you”: How my father’s … [Read more…]

For Leelah

The Last Tears Shed: No More Martyrs Blues Pt. IV (By Walter Beck) For Leelah Alcorn 1997-2014 Yet another young sister gone too soon In a flash of desperation. Another young sister gone too soon Before her life even began. Another young sister gone too soon Nailed to the cross of Christian love. Her last … [Read more…]

He Tells Her

He Tells Her (for Ruth B.) He tells her that the Earth is flat – He knows the facts, and that is that. In altercations fierce and long She tries her best to prove him wrong. Be he has learned to argue well. He calls her arguments unsound And often asks her not to yell. … [Read more…]

Divine Verdict (By Walter Beck)

Divine Verdict (By Walter Beck) God won’t judge America for the millions of Native Americans slaughtered over the last 200 years. He won’t judge her for the Trail of Tears, He won’t judge her for smallpox-infected blankets, He won’t judge her for the concentration camps of reservations Or the current policy of elimination through poverty … [Read more…]