Interview with J.Christopher Neal NYC Pride Grand Marshal

We are speaking with J. Christopher Neal, Director of Youth Programs and Initiatives at Coro New York Leadership Center, Artist, Writer, Activist and founder of FluidBiDesign / MenKIND a support and advocacy community for people of African Descent, who has the distinction of being the first openly bi-identified Grand Marshal in The New York Pride … [Read more…]

Interview with Robyn Ochs

We chat with Robyn about her upcoming engagements, her recent publication Recognize: The Voices of Bisexual Men-An Anthology,  Bi Women Quarterly And Getting Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around the World.

Bi Local: AzBi with Halina Brooke

We chat with Halina on building local community and her new project focused on developing and mental health professionals network.

Event: Bi Singles Event/Alex Anders

We get to chat with author/athlete/YouTube Vlogger Alex Anders about their upcoming Bi Singles event in Los Angeles and hopes for the future.